On top of all this I still have to cook, clean, take care of Ri (who seems to only fuss on nights that it is crucial I do work), pay the bills, attempt to lower our bills, save money so AJ can go to physical therapy (he's been needing to go to therapy for months, but we haven't had the money so he's working 70+ hours a week -salary- with a back that would put most people out of commission for months), do laundry, take care of Ri (did I mention that, it needs to be mentioned twice), and organize all our paperwork/insurance stuff.
I know AJ is doing what he can for our family. But I really think it'd be much easier on me if he were working day shift and not nights. With him on nights, that leaves me to do everything on my own. I also resent the fact that he lied to me when he bought his car. He told me it was in great condition. He buys it, brings it home, and there's all sorts of work that needs to be done to it. So now he takes away from family time to work on his car, spends the little bit of money we have to fix the damn thing, and I am still stuck in the exact position I was before he bought the car. He took a week off... I didn't see him unless I was at my parents house. It sucks. He doesn't get it. He wants this car so bad, and sold his "baby" to get it. So I can't tell him no when he's (in reality) only putting the money in it that he got for his old car. But he works on the damn thing so much and leaves me home alone. To do everything.
I am just so tired of feeling like a single parent. I ask for help. Things change for a week, then he goes back to the way things were until I have another meltdown. Part of me wonders if things will ever get better. Makes me wonder if I'm sacraficing for nothing. I know he's trying. I know he is. But it's like he doesn't see that I'm breaking. That I'm losing my mind. That I just can't do this anymore.
I know I should be writing my papers right now. But every time I try I just start crying because I'm so stressed. I feel so bad venting about AJ. Especially because I know he's doing what he can. But I just really wish he could see how much I really do. I wish he'd say thank you every once in awhile. Hold or hug me for no reason. Kiss me on the forehead like he used to. Take me outside to see the stars. All the simple things he used to do that I loved so much would make all this seem just a little easier.
Now that I've got all that out. And Ri is finally fully asleep... and at this point she should sleep for the rest of the night, I am going to go write my papers. I know things will get better. I tell AJ everyday to just hold on until I graduate and get a job. It's just hard when I feel like I'm doing it all alone. It's nice to get it all out in the open.
"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again." -Alex Tan
I'm so sorry! I wish I was there and I'd give you the hugest hug! And for GOOD reason! You sound like an amazing person, wife and Mom! You're doing great, only a few short weeks to go! It'll fly by and then hopefully you'll get some time to relax a little. :)
ReplyDeleteJust remember - you're doing awesome AND it's almost over! (I'm mrsbird1129 from the bump)
Thank you so much for that! Your words just gave me the biggest smile. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. It's funny how some kind words from in internet stranger can help lift your spirits. Thanks again!