Monday, March 15, 2010

And So, It Begins

So I decided to start a blog.  The reasoning doesn't matter as much, as that my mind goes a mile a minute and maybe getting it all out will help slow it down a bit. 

My life is crazy.  By crazy, I mean, I don't even believe some of the things that this roller coaster has taken me through.  Since I met my husband, AJ, we've walked up to the gates of hell and back.  The last three years alone, have been complete insanity.  Here's a quick glimpse into the window of the past:

AJ and I met by chance after I had walked away from an on and off relationship that lasted about five years.  When I met him, I wanted nothing to do with him.  But when he started playing my game back on me, I couldn't resist but be intrigued.  We fell in love almost instantly, and within 6 months we were engaged.  Soon after our engagement, the shop that AJ worked for had burned to the ground.  AJ lost all of his tools, and almost his project car (which he has spent the last two years fixing and getting ready for the road agian).  We were down to one income while AJ attempted to find a stable job.  It was hell.  I was working 50 plus hours a week while being a full time student.  He works so hard and puts his all into everything he does, and yet, he always ended up getting the short end of the stick. 

Just after our one year anniversary together, I noticed that my lovely friend had not come.  I took four pregnancy tests all over the course of two weeks, all of which came up negative.  The fifth one, however, was positive.  I still remember him walking into the bathroom, seeing my reaction and exclaiming with the most excited voice "It's POSITIVE"!  He looked at me later that night and said "Haha, now you're mine forever!"  Um, dumbass, the trapping thing is supposed to work in the opposite way!

We moved our wedding up a year, and married on June 19, 2009.  Word of advice:  Planning a wedding in 3 months, working 50+ hours a week, and going to school full time = BAD IDEA.  I loved my wedding.  The ceremony from start to finish lasted less than 15 minutes, yes, from the time my first bridesmaid walked down the aisle through the ceremony to the last one walking back up took 15 minutes.  I had the wedding I could have only hoped for.  I married the most amazing man I have ever met, and it was official that we would be together forever.  Then... we went home.  We opened our card box.  4 cards.  We had around 100 guests at our wedding.  4 cards?  Someone had walked into our wedding, stolen all of our cards and walked out. The 4 that were in there, were all placed in there at the end of the night, by the bridal party.  The woman was caught, but that ruined my wedding.  I cried on my wedding night.  I had the state police at my house for 2 hours.  We didn't consumate our marriage.  And I cried.  It's hard to remember the good when it's wrapped around something so horrible.  FAST FORWARD::: We have a court date on March 25, 2010 against her and to get restitution.

The next 6 months were pure hell.  I hated every moment of pregnancy.  Well, except for feeling the baby kick.  Seeing her in the ultrasounds and hearing her heartbeat.  But being fat, uncomfortable, sick, and everything else is nothing short of total unpleasureable.  On December 8, 2009 I gave birth to the most beautiful little girl ever.  I am so in love with her, even on the days where I want to put my head through a pane of glass, her smile is enough to back away.  Throughout my entire pregnancy, I said "this child will either be my saving grace, or it will be the piece that breaks me."   I promise you, she is my saving grace.  She is the one that keeps me going. 

Over time, I'm sure I'll go into details about everything.  The last year though, has just been complete insanity.  No one who knows me would have ever guess me to be married, or have a kid.  I've always said I would never be married or have kids.  Wow, look at me now!

If you decide you want to follow my blog, go for it!  I will say, I have a twisted sense of humor.  I joke about a lot of things that some people give me a strange eye for.  Eh, it is what it is.  I have enough battle wounds that a few more won't hurt. 

This is my life.  Scary isn't it?

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